公司简介 招聘职位 联系方式      
  安健环部长 / EHS部长(1人) 
  机电管理部 部长/副部长(1人) 
  生产技术部 部长/副部长(2人) 
     华信资源有限责任公司是上海电气集团股份有限公司的海外子公司,主营巴基斯坦塔尔煤田一区块780万吨/年露天煤矿项目,该项目是中国“一带一路”战略实施项目之一,同时是“中巴经济走廊”优先实施项目(CPEC priority implementation project ),该项目优势如下:
1. 亚洲第一、世界第七褐煤煤田
2. 巴基斯坦在建规模最大露天煤矿项目
3. 上海电气规模最大的海外投资项目
4. 上海电气自主知识产权高水分低热值褐煤燃烧技术
5. 塔尔煤田一区块煤电一体化项目
6. 年产780万吨露天煤矿
7. 露天煤田一区块占地140km2,估算总资源储量约38亿吨


The objects for which the Company is established are:-

1. The principal line of business of the Company shall be to purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire any mining rights, mines and lands in Pakistan  or  elsewhere  and  to  dig  and  quarry  all  natural  resources,and  to  explore,  work,   develop and turn to account the same and to carry on business as producers, buyers, and acquire, obtain, refine, cut, polish, prepare, melt, import, export or otherwise deal in gold, silver, bullion, jewellery, diamonds, precious stones, artificial man made jewellery, and gems.

2. To prospect for, explore, open, and quarry coal, minerals, oils, metals and precious metals, diamonds, and other precious stones, and other mineral substances, stones of all kinds, clay, brick, earth and slate; to develop and turn to account any mines, mineralogical or metalliferous land and quarries, clay, brick, earth and slate;

3. To explore, produce, sell and distribute coal bed methane gas, and its by-products, in Pakistan and abroad, and to convert coal into various liquids, chemicals, gases, using direct or indirect liquefaction processes and to combine these liquids, chemicals, gases into multiple by-products for sale in Pakistan and abroad, and for this purpose to install, operate, and manage, all necessary plant and machinery, mine establishments and works.


联 系 人: 杨女士
联系地址: 巴基斯坦



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